Community Wiki
Community Wiki

Loveinrococo Loveinrococo 17 October 2013


I missed contributing to community wiki today, so i have to start all over again to get the 14 days in a row award. Dang it!  anywhoo, have you seen the danny glover instagram post stories?  he is STRESSED OUT!  haha, he's a young guy, i have felt all the pressures he was expressing, and it takes a lot of guts to let it out to the world, but he is also talking ownership of it, and hopefully shining a beacon of some sort for all the young future of america.  

to sum it up, life goes on, and gets so so so much better once we all realize that those pressures are lame,

and they dissolve away.

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Loveinrococo Loveinrococo 13 October 2013

jeff winger is stinky

hi.  this is my Community thought for the day.

The character Jeff Winger most likely smells bad.  I was thinking about his diet of boiled eggs and dream vending machine of boiled eggs and beef jerky, and have concluded that he probably harbors the faint aroma of egg salad and raw meat.  I guess that is what people in LA do to maintain muscle mass while limiting body fat. 

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Loveinrococo Loveinrococo 12 October 2013

spanish 101

Hello.  I well, ill just write that  i decided to join this wikia because there are lots of details to this show that make it fun to watch over and over as i tend to like to do with shows that i like.  today i was watching the episode where britta introduces abed to inspector spacetime.  anywhoo, Abed is catatonic.  he says that cougertown, his original show obsession is doomed because the show is getting a midseason start, which according to him means the end of the show.  Well, Community is doing the same thing!!  is this the end?

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